Tuesday 21 August 2012

Switched On

Despite the heat wave and the lack of anglers in the last week, Mustang has produced a lot of action, with at least three anglers taking multiple hits of twenties. The odd day has been a little slow (when it has been silly hot), but the anglers who have baited heavily with pellets and boilies have been most successful.

I keep getting asked how many twenties are in the lake, which is getting harder to answer with new ones being banked every few days. I know of there are over 50, but I'm guessing 70 might be closer. At the end of October I will have a proper count through all my records and give an accurate figure. When I opened the lake last March 2011 there were just 12 fish over 20lb. My target is to have over a 100 twenties by the end of 2013, which now looks achievable.

I've just walked round the lake and seen three takes in 20 minutes ( four anglers on today), and photographed a 20lb 8oz mirror, which is 15-year-old Dec's second 20lb carp of his session on his first time to the lake - good angling mate, great Spombing!

Big PVA bags, bait boats or accurate spodding seems to be best. Plus baiting up regularly will keep the runs coming.

I hope you like the pics