Thursday 21 April 2011

28 Different Twenties

We've had some very good sport this week with the best hit going to Kev Wyatt who had 16 takes and banked 14 carp from peg 9 in 48hrs.
Peg 4 produced five fish and a couple of dropped bites for young Rob. Ross had a nice hit of 5 fish from peg 3 including a previously uncaught 25lb common.
As I walked around Mustang Lake this morning I saw five fish banked and the pick of the bunch was a 20lb 2oz mirror I named "Petals" taken by consistent rod Lee with in an hour of turning up. That was the first capture of the fish since I stocked it over a year ago at 16lb I think. We have now had at least 28 different twenties caught since we opened a month ago and I know there are still many that have not visited the bank.
All 14 pegs have produced fish in the last week, but swims 1 - 9 have been best. Beds of boilies, method feeders, PVA bags and zigs have all caught.

Hope you like the pic's.